Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Call Center opens in Charleston with 50 new jobs

CHARLESTON -- NCO Group, Inc.  officially opened a new call center at a ribbon cutting ceremony on Oct. 21 in Charleston for Mountaineer Gas Company.

The Customer Service Center represents the first expansion of NCO into West Virginia. The Customer Services Center will initially employ 50 workers. Once the planned expansion of the work force occurs with other business, NCO expects to employ 125 workers and have the potential to accommodate 200 employees for additional expansion.

The initial new hires will handle projects such as customer care support and services for Mountaineer Gas. The State of West Virginia, through its Workforce West Virginia program was instrumental in assisting Mountaineer Gas and NCO, by committing $40,000 to this project.

"We are very pleased that NCO and Mountaineer Gas have shown their confidence in West Virginia by making a significant investment in the new facility and, most importantly, in new jobs," said Gov. Joe Manchin at the opening ceremony. "Today's announcement continues to demonstrate that West Virginia is an attractive place to do business in these tough economic times and that our state is continuing to grow. West Virginia remains one of just a few states with a solid financial status and that stability is an advantage for companies like NCO and Mountaineer Gas in making choices about where new jobs will be created."

NCO operates a global network of over 100 operations centers running on a centralized data platform with the flexibility to respond to a rapidly changing marketplace and to scale operations to meet client specifications. For more information about NCO, visit .

Mountaineer Gas Company serves approximately 226,000 customers, and is the largest natural gas distribution company in West Virginia. Its service territory covers 48 West Virginia counties and services over 64 percent of gas distribution customers in West Virginia.

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