Charleston, W.Va. – Federal issues have become the number one concern among members of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce, according to the findings of a poll recently released by the Chamber.
The Chamber recently conducted a survey of its membership, and the members were asked to share their views about the national recession as well as the recent political changes in Washington. They also were asked to rank a number of key federal and state issues.
Among a list of 12 issues that were provided, the results indicate these issues are the ones of most concern to businesses in West Virginia:
1. Federal issues
2. Health insurance
3. Litigation/legal climate
4. Business taxes
5. Energy costs
When asked whether the new leadership team in D.C. has had an impact on current business activity, the responses were as follows: 48% - negative impact; 6% - positive; and 45% - not sure or none so far.
The Chamber’s members were asked to provide their views about a number of key federal issues. Here are those views:
Increase in federal deficit -- 90% oppose
Federal stimulus spending -- 60% oppose; 25% support
Cap-and-trade -- 85% oppose (64% strongly)
EPA’s action against coal mining -- 62% oppose
Preserve current federal income tax cuts -- 78% support
Cut federal business taxes -- 79% support
Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) -- 83% oppose (73% strongly)
Health Care Reform
77% oppose employer penalty
67% oppose public option
70% oppose employer mandated coverage
57% oppose individual coverage mandate
The members also were asked to provide their views on 12 general issues, and overall there was a definite pessimistic sentiment expressed at all the issue will be getting worse in the coming year. In particular, these were rated as ones that will experience the most negative trend for business:
1. Environmental regulations
2. Health care/insurance
3. Energy costs
4. Business Taxes
5. Compliance/paperwork
When asked about the national recession, 87 percent said it has had a slight or significant effect on overall business activity. The respondents also don’t foresee a recovery in the near future. One out two respondents said the state’s economy will decline further next year, 36 percent said it will remain the same and only 12 percent thought the economy will improve next year.
Finally, the members were asked to give their views about West Virginia’s “direction,” and the state’s employer community is indicating a slightly optimistic viewpoint:
West Virginia’s direction
Optimistic 48%
Negative 25%
Neutral 28%
The respondents to the survey were a mix of large, medium and small employers. Forty-six percent of the respondents employ 50 or few employees, 24 percent employer 51 to 250 employees, and 30 percent employee 250 or more employees.
The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce has a membership of more than 5,000 from a cross section of businesses from around West Virginia. More information about the Chamber can be found online at
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